In my opinion its amazing but not my favorite, you sure do know how to make music man Keep It UP!
In my opinion its amazing but not my favorite, you sure do know how to make music man Keep It UP!
Well uh
I liked it makes a good rave song, but its for sure not ur best work and i think a lil more independent trance tune would have made it better, but like all ur work is unquestionable.
Keep it up!
Very Classic
Sw33t classic tune love the originality brings back memories of the N64 days keep at it!
WOW way to get really really creative i loved it this is the shit keep it up man the intro made it sweet. Reminded me of a techno soccer chant which i love!!!
What he said |^|
I like it really laid back good for token.
Actually im more into the floyd stuff but its cool good tune!
Pretty nice for ur first piece, keep it up and u make a lot of good ones!
Well, actually it is my second and it is a remix of my first sub. I will continue to make more. Thanks for listening and reviewing.
Much much much better
Now ur talking y waste time on those stupid metal songs which just give us head aches when u can produce somthing with a piano loop and some wierd noses that draws ppl to it! keep it up
Hey man!
Humm I waste alot of time doing many weird shit in my life, maybe I should waste some more trying to make dark and evil piano-music? Haha, I just think I might do that ;)
Thanx alot for reviewing man!
Liked this one a lot more than ur heavy metal and slow drum n' bass stuff, this still feels like its missing some loud trancy sound to it, reminded me alot of a old video game remixed..
Hummm I suppose this is a review for "Dirty Spaceboy"? That one has all the elements U mentioned to it.
Well, anyway, I thank U alot for reviewing, it won´t go unnoticed!
Well it was.....simple, add a lil more to ur work u loop waaay too much.
This song is alot about the beat, wich I kinda like, and it´s all a slow build up towards the end, when the song "kicks in" for real. Like the previus reviewr said, it should be a lil faster, and I just might make a new version to se if I can take it somewhere...
Thanx alot for reviewing man!
Whatta joke hahahha use a lil effort man and ull actually go somewhere! but i like it for a joke how u descibed it.
HOOWAAA yahhhaaa turn it up and go into the RAV3R NATION where u shall FR33 YOU MIND
Age 33, Male
Western Herb Seller
Portland, OR
Joined on 3/31/05