Pretty nice for ur first piece, keep it up and u make a lot of good ones!
Pretty nice for ur first piece, keep it up and u make a lot of good ones!
Well, actually it is my second and it is a remix of my first sub. I will continue to make more. Thanks for listening and reviewing.
Much much much better
Now ur talking y waste time on those stupid metal songs which just give us head aches when u can produce somthing with a piano loop and some wierd noses that draws ppl to it! keep it up
Hey man!
Humm I waste alot of time doing many weird shit in my life, maybe I should waste some more trying to make dark and evil piano-music? Haha, I just think I might do that ;)
Thanx alot for reviewing man!
Liked this one a lot more than ur heavy metal and slow drum n' bass stuff, this still feels like its missing some loud trancy sound to it, reminded me alot of a old video game remixed..
Hummm I suppose this is a review for "Dirty Spaceboy"? That one has all the elements U mentioned to it.
Well, anyway, I thank U alot for reviewing, it won´t go unnoticed!
Well it was.....simple, add a lil more to ur work u loop waaay too much.
This song is alot about the beat, wich I kinda like, and it´s all a slow build up towards the end, when the song "kicks in" for real. Like the previus reviewr said, it should be a lil faster, and I just might make a new version to se if I can take it somewhere...
Thanx alot for reviewing man!
A lil fruity man and to much loopin gotta add some more to it! but keep workin it still sounds alright.
ok, i'll remember that
Sweet piano im sure i can see myself using this nice song somwhere along the lines of my filmaking. Keep it up ;D
I Look forward to seeing that, and i will.
HOOWAAA yahhhaaa turn it up and go into the RAV3R NATION where u shall FR33 YOU MIND
Age 33, Male
Western Herb Seller
Portland, OR
Joined on 3/31/05